I added Dominik’s exclude option is the gallery shortcode. This option is a comma separated list of images, by order number, which should not show in the gallery. Example: exclude=”1, 3, 4″
Peggy and Justin’s various endeavors
I added Dominik’s exclude option is the gallery shortcode. This option is a comma separated list of images, by order number, which should not show in the gallery. Example: exclude=”1, 3, 4″
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Justin – I’ve installed your Gallery Plus plugin and the Lightbox 2 plugin – however when I insert a gallery it still is taking me to the separate page instead of using lightbox. I checked the Link Images to Full Resolution, set Insert rel= to Lightbox, and selected only show gallery on single post…no dice. Any thoughts? Thanks. Dave.
David, sounds like your Gallery Plus settings are correct, what is a URL that I can see this in action, or not in action as the case may be?
Right here: http://www.playthroughhistory.com/2008/08/23/american-civil-war-the-blue-and-the-gray/. Two images at the bottom.
It looks like you have some other Gallery plugins that might be conflicting (wp_gallery_lightbox maybe). The only plugins that I have that affect the gallery are Gallery Plus and Lightbox 2, and I haven’t tested it in conjunction with other lightbox plugins. Deactivate some of those other plugins and see if that solves the problem.
This plug in is great, and it is what the Gallery feature should have been all along.
Some feedback for you:
Make the rel= drop down box a text field so that we can enter in other rel= tags than lightbox. For example highslide and lyebox. You could hard code in a bunch of different options, but if you make it user editable it would be easier for you.
Also, mabye don’t hard code in a the CSS to display the images. These could be editable by the user. Can you do this already, I’ve only managed to get it to work by changing your code.
Otherwise, I love it!
Also, you have it set to insert the CSS right above the gallery, which isn’t XHTML vaild as it ends up inside the posts DIV. Can you make it insert the CSS in in the HEAD? So above the wp_head() tag.
Another great feature would be to allow the option to put the image caption below the thumbnail. That would be make this a 100% replacement for the default “every image is a new page” setup.
i also would love to display one image’s title below the thumbnail.
furthermore, the title/caption of the image won’t display in the fullsize lightbox view here.
the html-code seems to be right (the title is correctly nested in the title tag)
any hints on that?
Hi, I am wondering if there is any way to disable linking on the gallery to full size images altogether? I am building a gallery that I want to be medium-size images only, no need to link to the larger items or the attachment permalink page.
I just released a new version of Gallery Plus that answer some of your requests. To answer your posts directly:
I noted the additions to the overlays and will add them in time, but for now you could use the shortcode option “overlay” to use a different package (e.g. [gallery overlay="lyebox"]).
I’m not sure why the captions on the gallery are not working for you, but mine show up. In the gallery, the image title should show when you mouse over the image. I’ve noted the option for using the title instead of caption in the gallery.
Thanks for the update Justin. When you say that your captions work, do you mean they show up as text under each image, or when you mouse over? Mine show up on mouse over, but do not show below each image (which is what I want).