Gallery Plus 1.4.0

adminA new update to Gallery Plus (admin screen on right):

  1. Changed “rel value” options to support a variety of overlay options.
  2. Made CSS an editable setting in Gallery Plus Options.
  3. Added caption/title source options.
  4. Added adhoc shortcode (see above).
  5. Minor code changes.

The update is uploaded and will show up at WordPress’s leisure.

Plugin’s WordPress PageDownload plugin

22 thoughts on “Gallery Plus 1.4.0

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  1. Great plug-in

    Could oyu please give us some tutorials on how to use the buit-in Thickbox script that comes with WP, as well perhaps other overlays such as highslide?

    Thanks! 🙂

  2. I did not know that any overlay packages were included with WordPress. I have not used any other overlay packages besides Lightbox 2, so I cannot give any other tutorials.
    For Lightbox 2:

    1. Install Lightbox 2
    2. Install Gallery Plus
    3. Add images to a post library, and insert [gallery] somewhere in the post
    4. You can adjust the Gallery Plus options in Settings > Gallery Plus
    5. Publish and your done
  3. Thanks!

    WP come with some javascripts, and you can call these with the wp_enqueue_script() function. You can see it comes with Thickbox as it uses thickbox in the dashboard (e.g.: media library).

    In your case, how did you install Lightbox 2 in your WP site? Did you use a plug-in to load it, or did you modify your theme header to load it?

    What I want to avoid is the overlay script being loaded when there is no library on the page. Any suggestions?

    Here is a suggestion: Perhaps for your next plug-in version, you could add an option for the user to specify the plug-in to be loaded (just the path for the .js file to be used). And then ensure that the js file is loaded only when a gallery shortcode is used! 🙂

  4. Nice plugin. Has a lot of features I’ve been looking for. I particularly like being able to disable the links on the images.

    Wish list:
    – I’ve been searching everywhere for a way to change the markup of the outer div of the gallery, so I can make it as an unordered list instead of a div, and hence take advantage of a lot of jquery scripts out there that can make slideshows out of unordered lists. Would this be an easy thing to implement in your plugin?

    Thanks for the plugin. It’s awesome

  5. Oh, and currently I’m doing this by adding this to my functions.php file:

    function remove_gallery_css()
    return “”;
    add_filter(‘gallery_style’, ‘remove_gallery_css’);

    And by changing these lines in the wp-includes/media.php file:

    $output .= ”


    To this:

    $output .= “\n”;

  6. Great plugin!

    Just noticed that after upgrading to 1.4.0 (and 1.4.1) captions aren´t showing under thumbs on my gallery. The caption settings is set to normal.

    If i disable the plugin, captions show up again.

  7. @david: Is it possible that you have another plugin or part of your theme that was overriding this plugin? I removed some code that allowed that to happen since it seemed superfluous.

  8. Justin,

    I don´t have any other plugin that affects galleries, just this one, and nothing else on my theme (functions.php)

    I will try deactivating all and test one by one… it might take me a while as my site is always busy and i´ll have to do it late at night 😉

    Do you think on any other way to debug this?

  9. Hi Justin,
    When I activate this plugin, the gallery shortcode doesn’t work – no photos appear in my page. The shortcode works without the plugin. I am not using any other photo plugin and WordPress 2.6.1. I am using an older vs. of php (4.3) – could that be the problem? or if you have any ideas, I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance and also for the work on this plugin. 🙂

  10. Thanks for this great plugin!!! It makes the WP Gallery actually useful!
    I have two items on the wish list….
    1) Ability to remove the caption on the blog roll page (but keep it on the single post page)
    2) Ability to use the small thumbnails on the blog roll page and medium images on the single post page

    Thanks for this fantastic plugin!!!

  11. Hi, is pagination an option with gallery plus? We love the plugin but now that we have 30+ images loaded into some galleries, the pages are loading slowly. pagination would be great but I cannot find any info on this option. Thanks!

  12. Is there a way to have a 2-line caption under the thumbnails in a gallery? Using 1.4.1, I can only get one of these values to display as a caption: Title or Caption. But not of the options in Settings > Gallery Plus cause two of them.

    I want to have one line be the name of the painting and the 2nd line to be the dimensions and year. Is this possible?


  13. hi. i have installed the gallery plus and lightbox2, and activate them. But when i click on thumbnails the images appear show in the page, instead in lightbox pop. where i must put the dir lightbox? inside the gallery plus directory?? can you explain in more details, please? thanks.

  14. I second charmed. I post over 50 images in my updates, and those images pile up. Pagination would be perfect for this plugin and I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.

  15. I use my gallery shortcodes in different areas of my site with different column setups.

    Your plugin overrides ALL predefined column settings that I individually make for different galleries no matter what.

    This is bad.

  16. I ended up modifying your code so that it doesn’t customize the columns, instead leaving the columns for me to decide based on my gallery shortcode.

  17. Well I made some significant modifications to this plugin for my own purposes. I think I may package it up and offer my version somewhere online as it seems to satisfy some of the options that people have wanted for some time.

    I provide additional options to choose what kind of link the image links to – with respect to: instead of having just none, image, or post; I also added which type of image I was linking to, as there are different sizes in the Media Gallery that I would like to link to instead of forcing it to Full size all the time, which can be VERY slow for some people who upload large-size images to the media library in wordpress.

  18. Is there any way to use custom link urls with this? (IE to be able to use a different image for the thumbnails and the image that is linked to/lightboxed when you click them)

    If I select none, I can’t use the lightbox, and if I select image I can’t change the link URL.

    Any suggestions?

  19. Just wanted to drop you a note that after doing some testing, I noticed the Gallery Plus overrides the “include” and “exclude” options of the gallery shortcode. So I can’t exclude an image from the gallery, etc. When I disabled Gallery Plus, it worked again.

    Unfortunately I can’t contribute any code to help, but I thought at least I could let you know.

    Take care…

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